READ: OSHA - West Nile Virus

READ: OSHA - West Nile Virus

(1 RC) - This fact sheet aims to educate employers and workers about the West Nile virus and to offer ways to reduce the risks of infection. It includes information concerning the ways the virus spreads (particularly through mosquitoes), signs and symptoms of infection, the risks it presents to outdoor workers especially, and specific protective measures which employers and workers can adopt to avoid the illness.

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READ: OSHA - Ebola.

READ: OSHA - Ebola.

(1 RC) - This pair of fact sheets informs the reader about Ebola virus. The first sheet discusses the spread of Ebola and the safe handling and transport of contaminated materials. In addition, it provides infection control guidelines for waste workers. The second sheet provides a PPE selection matrix which offers guidance for occupational exposure to Ebola.

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READ: OSHA - What Employers Can Do to Protect Workers from Pandemic Influenza.

READ: OSHA - What Employers Can Do to Protect Workers from Pandemic Influenza.

(4 RC) - This fact sheet details the various types of safety precautions that employers can adopt to prepare for and minimize the hazards of pandemic influenza in the workplace. Types of control measures include engineering and administrative controls, work practices, and protective equipment.

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READ: Cleaning and Decontamination of Ebola on Surfaces, Guidance for Workers and Employers in Non-Healthcare/Non-Laboratory Settings.

READ: Cleaning and Decontamination of Ebola on Surfaces, Guidance for Workers and Employers in Non-Healthcare/Non-Laboratory Settings.

(1 RC) - Employers must protect their workers from the hazards of Ebola exposure and from the dangerous chemicals used for disinfection and clean up. This document includes the guidelines for workers and employers for disinfection, cleaning, and waste disposal.

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