(1 RC) - This audio gives OSHA guidance on maintaining Indoor Air Quality in commercial and institutional buildings, including a discussion of common sources of IAQ problems, typical IAQ contaminants, investigation and remediation techniques, and standards and regulations touching IAQ.
(1 RC) - This audio provides general guidance on microbial sampling principles, including non-culturable air and surface sampling, culturable air and surface sampling, and water sampling.
(1 RC) - This document provides general guidance on microbial sampling principles, including non-culturable air and surface sampling, culturable air and surface sampling, and water sampling.
(1 RC) - Prepared on behalf of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission by Environmental Health and Engineering Inc., this report describes an investigation of the relationship between indoor environmental quality and imported drywall in residential buildings. This study is one component of a multifaceted investigation being led by CPSC to evaluate the emissions from imported Chinese drywall.
(4 RC) - The study of air quality inside buildings involves many disciplines. This glossary of approximately 300 terms draws from many scientific and technological disciplines to provide a broad scope of understanding.
(3 RC) - This report summarizes the best scientific information available on indoor air pollution, including information on common indoor pollutants, potential health impacts of indoor pollutants, and existing regulations and practices for the mitigation of indoor pollutants.
(3 RC) - This document provides a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence on health problems associated with building moisture and biological agents. The review concludes that the most important effects are increased prevalences of respiratory symptoms, allergies and asthma as well as perturbation of the immunological system. The document also summarizes the available information on the conditions that determine the presence of mould and measures to control their growth indoors.
(3 RC) - This document provides a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence on health problems associated with building moisture and biological agents. The review concludes that the most important effects are increased prevalences of respiratory symptoms, allergies and asthma as well as perturbation of the immunological system. The document also summarizes the available information on the conditions that determine the presence of mould and measures to control their growth indoors.
(3 RC) - This document provides a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence on health problems associated with building moisture and biological agents. The review concludes that the most important effects are increased prevalences of respiratory symptoms, allergies and asthma as well as perturbation of the immunological system. The document also summarizes the available information on the conditions that determine the presence of mould and measures to control their growth indoors.
(1 RC) - This audio is an excerpt from The Collection and Interpretation of Indoor Samples: A Comparison of Methods by Dr. Joe C. Spurgeon. The excerpt discusses parameters that affect data quality for mold testing.
(1 RC) - This audio is an excerpt from The Collection and Interpretation of Indoor Samples: A Comparison of Methods by Dr. Joe C. Spurgeon. The excerpt discusses parameters that affect data quality for mold testing.
(1 RC) - This audio provides discussion of topics identified by IAQ and by the CIAQM certification board. It is designed to aid candidates in preparation for the Council-Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager certification exam.
(1 RC) - This audio provides discussion of topics identified by IAQ and by the CIAQM certification board. It is designed to aid candidates in preparation for the Council-Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager certification exam.
(1 RC) - This audio provides discussion of topics identified by IAQ and by the CIAQM certification board. It is designed to aid candidates in preparation for the Council-Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager certification exam.
(1 RC) - This audio provides discussion of topics identified by IAQ and by the CIAQM certification board. It is designed to aid candidates in preparation for the Council-Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager certification exam.
(1 RC) - This audio provides discussion of topics identified by IAQ and by the CIAQM certification board. It is designed to aid candidates in preparation for the Council-Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager certification exam.
(1 RC) - This audio provides discussion of topics identified by IAQ and by the CIAQM certification board. It is designed to aid candidates in preparation for the Council-Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager certification exam.
(2 RC) - This document is an excerpt from The Collection and Interpretation of Indoor Samples: A Comparison of Methods by Dr. Joe C. Spurgeon. The excerpt discusses parameters that affect data quality for mold testing.
(1 RC) - This report discusses the findings of a survey of the indoor air quality of new California homes. The report details the methods of this study, discusses the outcomes, and summarizes the results with several recommendations for improved indoor ventilation.
(4 RC) - This document provides discussion of topics identified by IAQ and by the CIAQM certification board. It is designed to aid candidates in preparation for the Council-Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager certification exam.
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