READ: Evaluation of Silica Exposures During Drywall Sanding

READ: Evaluation of Silica Exposures During Drywall Sanding

(2 RC) - Management from a drywall finishing company requested a health hazard evaluation concerning employee exposure to respirable crystalline silica during drywall-sanding activities. Crystalline silica is a common mineral in construction materials. When it becomes airborne in dust, it can harm the lungs… (CDC - HHE, Apr 2024)

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READ: CDC - Evaluation of a Medicinal Cannabis Manufacturing Facility

READ: CDC - Evaluation of a Medicinal Cannabis Manufacturing Facility

(4 RC) - The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from a union representative for a medical cannabis facility with an indoor and outdoor grow operation. The representative was concerned about the potential occupational and safety hazards associated with the harvesting and processing of cannabis. We evaluated chemical and microbial hazards, conducted medical interviews with employees about their health concerns, collected air samples for volatile organic compounds… (NIOSH, CDC Aug 2019)

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READ: WHO: Indoor Airborne Risk Assessment in the Context of SARS-CoV-2

READ: WHO: Indoor Airborne Risk Assessment in the Context of SARS-CoV-2

(4 RC) - In 2019, a new world threat emerged with SARS-CoV-2, a virus that has affected the entire world, every country, every family. The incredibly rapid spread of this virus that transmitted efficiently between people through the air renewed the important risks related to the quality of the air we breathe. Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 has been the subject of considerable debate throughout the pandemic… (WHO, Apr 2024)

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READ: ATSDR Health Consultation Grand Prairie, TX

READ: ATSDR Health Consultation Grand Prairie, TX

(4 RC) - The former Delfasco Forge facility is in Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas. The facility operated as a munitions manufacturing and forging facility from 1980 to 1998. Former facility operations used chlorinated solvents containing trichloroethylene (TCE) and other chemicals to degrease metal. These operations contaminated on-site soil and groundwater. The groundwater contamination has spread to the adjacent residential area where an estimated 157 occupied homes… (CDC ATSDR, Apr 2024)

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READ: WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines Chapter 3

READ: WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines Chapter 3

(4 RC) - The WHO air quality guidelines set goals for protecting public health on a worldwide scale. They were established through a rigorous process of revision and evaluation of scientific evidence on the health effects of air pollutants and, like other WHO guidelines, are not legally binding recommendations … (WHO Global AQG, 2021)

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READ: Restoring Energy Efficiency Through HVAC Air Distribution System Cleaning

READ: Restoring Energy Efficiency Through HVAC Air Distribution System Cleaning

(2 RC) - This paper covers the specific topics of: A. How cleaning reduces HVAC energy consumption. B. How energy consumption can be calculated with pre‐cleaning and post‐cleaning measurements. C. Mechanical and other issues within HVAC systems that contractors encounter while inspecting and/or cleaning that can be reported and corrected to maximize HVAC energy efficiency… (NADCA, Nov 2016)

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READ: Database of State Indoor Air Quality Laws

READ: Database of State Indoor Air Quality Laws

(4 RC) - This database includes laws that address a wide range of pollutants, practices and building types. The purpose of the database is not to indicate how many IAQ laws exist, but rather to provide examples of various types of policy strategies that states have employed. The following are general guidelines used to develop the database… (ELI, 2022)

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READ: EPA updates its Indoor airPlus program

READ: EPA updates its Indoor airPlus program

(4 RC) - EPA regularly receives partner questions and comments regarding various aspects of the Indoor airPLUS program requirements. This Policy Record format will be used to provide regular updates on the resolution of future issues, including changes to program requirements and clarifications or refinements to the specifications. The primary purpose of this document is to allow stakeholders equal access to the latest policy issues and resolutions. This document also serves as an official program update… (EPA, Dec 2021)

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READ: EPA Indoor airPlus requirements for low-emission products

READ: EPA Indoor airPlus requirements for low-emission products

(.50 RC) - The Low-Emission Materials requirements address composite wood products, interior paints and finishes, and carpets and carpet adhesives used in the construction of Indoor airPLUS qualified homes. Products meeting the referenced standards are generally widely available in the market. This document is intended to help builders, designers, and Raters identify and locate compliant products… (EPA, Oct 2015)

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READ: EPA issues IAQ construction specifications

READ: EPA issues IAQ construction specifications

(1 RC) - These specifications were developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to recognize new homes equipped with a comprehensive set of Indoor Air Quality features. They were developed with significant input from stakeholders, based on best available science and information about risks associated with IAQ problems, and balanced with practical issues of cost, builder production process compatibility, and verifiability… (EPA, Feb 2008)

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READ: Investigation of IEQ Practices During Renovation Projects

READ: Investigation of IEQ Practices During Renovation Projects

(.50 RC) - The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has conducted several Health Hazard Evaluations [NIOSH 2019] in workplaces with reported health concerns associated with construction and renovation in occupied buildings. During these evaluations, NIOSH investigators identified issues that could affect indoor environmental quality such as a lack of dust control, the use of high emission building materials…(NIOSH, Jan 2020)

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READ: EPA Evaluates Residential Indoor Air

READ: EPA Evaluates Residential Indoor Air

(4 RC) - Possible exposure pathways associated with this site include inhalation of contaminated indoor air as well as dermal exposure to and incidental ingestion of contaminated soil, sediment, and surface water. The indoor air pathway was selected for evaluation first because of the potential for nearby residents to be exposed to volatile chemicals in their homes throughout the year… (ATSDR, Sept 2014)

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READ: CDC Evaluates Indoor Air Sampling Methods

READ: CDC Evaluates Indoor Air Sampling Methods

(2 RC) - A soil­ gas data screening indicates that 1,4­ dioxane is a concern for vapor intrusion in a WI building occupied by workers and children. As 1,4­dioxane is highly soluble in water, it is possible that its presence in soil­ gas samples indicates the leading edge of the groundwater plume may be approaching the building. A complete indoor air investigation of the WI is necessary to evaluate the potential for current exposures… (ASTDR)

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READ: Survey of Laws on Cannabis Smoking Indoors

READ: Survey of Laws on Cannabis Smoking Indoors

(1 RC) - Secondhand cannabis smoke, like secondhand tobacco smoke, creates unhealthy indoor air quality. Ventilation and engineering techniques cannot reduce this pollution to healthy levels, and complete smoke-free policies are the only way to provide healthy indoor environments. Even so, multiple state and local governments have begun to allow indoor smoking of cannabis in businesses… (AJPM, Aug 2021)

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READ: CDC Investigates Efficacy of Portable Air Cleaners for Reducing COVID Exposure

READ: CDC Investigates Efficacy of Portable Air Cleaners for Reducing COVID Exposure

(.50 RC) - To investigate the effectiveness of portable HEPA air cleaners and universal masking at reducing exposure to exhaled aerosol particles, the investigation team used respiratory simulators to mimic a person with COVID-19 and other, uninfected persons in a conference room. The addition of two HEPA air cleaners that met the Environmental Protection Agency recommended clean air delivery rate… (CDC MMWR, Jul 9 2021)

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READ: CDC Examines COVID-19 Outbreaks in Idaho Correctional Facilities

READ: CDC Examines COVID-19 Outbreaks in Idaho Correctional Facilities

(.50 RC) - As of April 16, 2021, U.S. correctional and detention facilities reported 399,631 cases of COVID-19 in incarcerated persons, resulting in 2,574 deaths (1). During July 14–November 30, 2020, COVID-19 was diagnosed in 382 persons incarcerated in Idaho correctional facilities with work-release programs. Work-release programs (which place incarcerated persons in community businesses) have social and economic benefits, but might put participants at increased risk for bidirectional transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19… (CDC MMWR, Apr 23 2021)

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READ: Research suggests aircraft seating related to SARS-CoV-2 exposure

READ: Research suggests aircraft seating related to SARS-CoV-2 exposure

(.50 RC) - Aircraft can hold large numbers of persons in close proximity for long periods, which can increase the risk for transmission of infectious disease. Current CDC guidelines recommend against travel for persons who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19, and a January 2021 CDC order requires masking for all persons while on airplanes. Research suggests that seating proximity on aircraft is associated with increased risk for infection with SARS-CoV-2… (CDC MMWR, Apr 23 2021)

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READ: Cleaner Indoor Air During Wildfires

READ: Cleaner Indoor Air During Wildfires

(3 RC) - What can communities do to reduce their exposure to wildfire smoke indoors? What interventions are effective for reducing wildland fire smoke exposures and risks? What science is available to support recommendations for communities to develop cleaner air spaces in larger buildings (e.g., schools, community centers)…(EPA, April 2021)

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