READ: OSHA - Proposed Crystalline Silica Rule, General Industry and Maritime.

READ: OSHA - Proposed Crystalline Silica Rule, General Industry and Maritime.

(1 RC) - This document aims to inform the reader of the respiratory hazards of crystalline silica and to propose two new protective standards, one for general industry and maritime, and the other for construction. The fact sheet explains the routes of exposure and the negative effects of crystalline silica on respiratory health. The chief end of this document is to present the necessary means for employers to tailor their work environment protect their employees.

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READ: CDC, NIOSH - Respirator Selection Logic (2004).

READ: CDC, NIOSH - Respirator Selection Logic (2004).

(4 RC) - This document provides a series of questions that assists the user in his selection of the appropriate respiration protection. In addition, the document identifies the criteria necessary to determine the classes of respirators that will provide the minimum acceptable degree of protection for a chemical at a given concentration.

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READ: NADCA - Position Paper on Chemical Product Applications in HVAC Systems.

READ: NADCA - Position Paper on Chemical Product Applications in HVAC Systems.

(1 RC) - This paper gives the reader access to NADCA's opinion concerning the use of chemicals, cleaners, sealants, and coatings inside airhandling systems. The paper defines certain products and then offers guidelines for their best use and application. Specific products duscussed include antimicrobial pesticides, sealants, resurfacing materials, and coil cleaning compounds as well as soaps, detergents, degreasers, and deodorizers.

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READ: Personal Protective Equipment

READ: Personal Protective Equipment

(4 RC) - This informational booklet provides a general overview of equipment management in light of OSHA standards for personal protection. This guide will help both employers and employees do the following: Understand the types of PPE (personal protective equipment), know the basics of conducting a "hazard assessment" of the workplace, select appropriate PPE for a variety of circumstances, and understand what kind of training is needed in the proper use and care of PPE.

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READ: OSHA - What Employers Can Do to Protect Workers from Pandemic Influenza.

READ: OSHA - What Employers Can Do to Protect Workers from Pandemic Influenza.

(4 RC) - This fact sheet details the various types of safety precautions that employers can adopt to prepare for and minimize the hazards of pandemic influenza in the workplace. Types of control measures include engineering and administrative controls, work practices, and protective equipment.

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READ: OSHA - Memorandum for Regional Administrators.

READ: OSHA - Memorandum for Regional Administrators.

(1 RC) - This OSHA special bulletin defines and provides health hazard information on Fluorocarbon 113 which is generally used as a refrigerant, a dry cleaning solvent and an intermediate. After recording several instances of sudden death to to cardiac arrhythmia in the presence of Florocarbon 113, this document provides the necessary information for employers and administrators to implement for their workers' protection.

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READ: OSHA - Protecting Workers from Asbestos.

READ: OSHA - Protecting Workers from Asbestos.

(4 RC) - OSHA developed standards and methods for employers to protect their workers from asbestos exposure. This document details the dangers of asbestos to workers and includes the safety requirements employers must adopt for their protection. The circumstances that this document covers include: removing asbestos-containing material, demolishing or salvaging asbestos-containing structures, installing asbestos-containing products, cleaning up asbestos spills, and handling asbestos materials on a construction site.

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