READ: ATSDR Health Consultation Gila River, AZ

READ: ATSDR Health Consultation Gila River, AZ

(2 RC) - Samples had an asbestos content greater than 1%, which is the regulatory level used to define an ACM. All three samples were found to contain 2-5% chrysotile asbestos. After receiving these sample results, GRIC OSH recommended that the Gila Crossing Presbyterian Church be closed until the ACM could be properly remediated… (ATSDR, Mar 2005)

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READ: Sampling and Characterization of Bioaerosols

READ: Sampling and Characterization of Bioaerosols

(4 RC) - Bioaerosols are airborne particles that originate from biological sources including animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, and viruses. Examples of bioaerosols encountered in occupational environments include plant pollen, algae, fungal spores, bacteria such as actinomycetes, droplets produced during coughing and sneezing that may contain bacteria and viruses, dust containing insect excreta, animal dander, and fragments derived from each of these sources. … (NIOSH, Feb 2020)

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READ: Factors Affecting Aerosol Sampling

READ: Factors Affecting Aerosol Sampling

(3 RC) - The need for aerosol sampling is driven by research or regulatory needs to understand or quantify the properties of airborne particles in the workplace or ambient environments. The property of most common interest is the airborne concentration of particulate mass defined as the aerosol mass per unit volume of air … (NIOSH, Feb 2020)

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