READ: CDC - Evaluation of a Medicinal Cannabis Manufacturing Facility

READ: CDC - Evaluation of a Medicinal Cannabis Manufacturing Facility

(4 RC) - The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from a union representative for a medical cannabis facility with an indoor and outdoor grow operation. The representative was concerned about the potential occupational and safety hazards associated with the harvesting and processing of cannabis. We evaluated chemical and microbial hazards, conducted medical interviews with employees about their health concerns, collected air samples for volatile organic compounds… (NIOSH, CDC Aug 2019)

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READ: WHO: Indoor Airborne Risk Assessment in the Context of SARS-CoV-2

READ: WHO: Indoor Airborne Risk Assessment in the Context of SARS-CoV-2

(4 RC) - In 2019, a new world threat emerged with SARS-CoV-2, a virus that has affected the entire world, every country, every family. The incredibly rapid spread of this virus that transmitted efficiently between people through the air renewed the important risks related to the quality of the air we breathe. Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 has been the subject of considerable debate throughout the pandemic… (WHO, Apr 2024)

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READ: CDC - HHE Exposure to Cleaning Products by Hospital Employees

READ: CDC - HHE Exposure to Cleaning Products by Hospital Employees

(4 RC) - The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a confidential employee request for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to conduct a health hazard evaluation at a hospital. The request cited concerns about exposure of hospital employees to a sporicidal product that contains hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, and acetic acid, and described symptoms experienced by employees. Employee symptoms noted in the health hazard evaluation request included burning eyes, nose, and throat; runny nose; cough; headache; dizziness; nausea; nose bleeds; asthma exacerbation; skin burns; and rashes… (CDC HHE, Sep 2018)

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READ: CDC - HHE Exposure to Opioids in a City Police Department

READ: CDC - HHE Exposure to Opioids in a City Police Department

(4 RC) - A city in Ohio requested a health hazard evaluation (HHE) concerning possible unintentional exposure to opioids among police officers and firefighters during first responder activities. As one part of the HHE request, city and police department officials were concerned about incidents where police officers developed health symptoms after potential exposure to substances suspected to be opioids during the course of their work… (CDC HHE, Aug 2021)

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READ: ATSDR Health Consultation Grand Prairie, TX

READ: ATSDR Health Consultation Grand Prairie, TX

(4 RC) - The former Delfasco Forge facility is in Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas. The facility operated as a munitions manufacturing and forging facility from 1980 to 1998. Former facility operations used chlorinated solvents containing trichloroethylene (TCE) and other chemicals to degrease metal. These operations contaminated on-site soil and groundwater. The groundwater contamination has spread to the adjacent residential area where an estimated 157 occupied homes… (CDC ATSDR, Apr 2024)

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READ: Waterborne Disease Outbreaks Associated with Drinking Water

READ: Waterborne Disease Outbreaks Associated with Drinking Water

(2 RC) - This report summarizes NORS drinking water outbreak epidemiologic, laboratory, and environmental data, including data for both public and private drinking water systems. The report presents outbreak-contributing factors (i.e., practices and factors that lead to outbreaks) and, for the first time, categorizes outbreaks as biofilm pathogen or enteric illness associated… (CDC, Mar 2024)

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READ: Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter

READ: Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter

(2 RC) - On February 7, 2024, EPA strengthened the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter to protect millions of Americans from harmful and costly health impacts, such as heart attacks and premature death. Particle or soot pollution is one of the most dangerous forms of air pollution, and an extensive body of science links it to a range of serious and sometimes deadly illnesses… (EPA, Feb 2024)

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READ: Emergency Management Accomplishments Report

READ: Emergency Management Accomplishments Report

(2 RC) - This report details major response and removal actions from October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022, and outlines regulatory actions to protect community health through chemical accident and oil spill prevention and preparedness. It features science-based solutions that EPA utilizes during all phases of crisis and consequence management… (EPA, Sept 2022)

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READ: WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines Chapter 6

READ: WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines Chapter 6

(1 RC) - The WHO air quality guidelines set goals for protecting public health on a worldwide scale. They were established through a rigorous process of revision and evaluation of scientific evidence on the health effects of air pollutants and, like other WHO guidelines, are not legally binding recommendations… (WHO Global AQG, 2021)

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READ: WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines Chapter 3

READ: WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines Chapter 3

(4 RC) - The WHO air quality guidelines set goals for protecting public health on a worldwide scale. They were established through a rigorous process of revision and evaluation of scientific evidence on the health effects of air pollutants and, like other WHO guidelines, are not legally binding recommendations … (WHO Global AQG, 2021)

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READ: Microbiology: Disease and Epidemiology

READ: Microbiology: Disease and Epidemiology

(3 RC) - In the United States and other developed nations, public health is a key function of government. A healthy citizenry is more productive, content, and prosperous; high rates of death and disease, on the other hand, can severely hamper economic productivity and foster social and political instability. The burden of disease makes it difficult for citizens to work consistently… (Microbiology Chapter 16, 2016)

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READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione - Toxicology

READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione - Toxicology

(2 RC) - Diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione have a long history as components of food, suggesting that exposures can occur in diverse work-places. They occur as natural products in many foods. Diacetyl imparts the flavor and aroma of butter to many common foods and drinks including butter, cheese, yogurt, beer, and wine… (NIOSH Standard, Oct 2016)

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READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione - Risk Assessment

READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione - Risk Assessment

(3 RC) - The goal of this chapter is first to present a numerical estimate of the risk of developing respiratory disease due to occupational exposure to diacetyl using standard epidemiological methods. This estimate is based on statistical models that describe the relationship between exposure to diacetyl and the development of impaired lung function in a known population of exposed employees… (NIOSH Standard, Oct 2016)

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READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione - Hazard Prevention

READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione - Hazard Prevention

(4 RC) - Work practices are procedures followed by employers and employees to control hazards in the workplace. The use of good work practices, incorporated into the facility’s standard operating procedures, can help reduce exposures to diacetyl, 2,3-pentanedione, and other flavoring compounds while at the same time maximizing efficiency and product quality… (NIOSH Standard, Oct 2016)

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READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione - Exposure Monitoring

READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione - Exposure Monitoring

(.50 RC) - Employers should develop and implement comprehensive occupational safety and health programs to prevent occupational injuries, illnesses, and deaths. To be successful, safety and health programs should be developed and implemented as part of an employers management system, with strong management commitment, employee involvement, and occupational safety and health expertise. A safety and health program designed to protect employees from the adverse effects of exposure to diacetyl, 2,3-pentanedione, and other flavoring compounds… (NIOSH Standard, Oct 2016)

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READ: WHO: HPC and Drinking-water Safety Part Three

READ: WHO: HPC and Drinking-water Safety Part Three

(4 RC) - This report deals with safe water supply extending from source to consumer, including plumbed-in devices, domestic and building environments, and water supplied in bottles or packages. The different ways in which drinking-water may be used in the home are considered, and specific concerns in higher-risk settings and populations at increased risk are addressed. … (WHO, 2003)

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READ: WHO reports on drinking water safety (Part 2)

READ: WHO reports on drinking water safety (Part 2)

(4 RC) - This report deals with safe water supply extending from source to consumer, including plumbed-in devices, domestic and building environments, and water supplied in bottles or packages. The different ways in which drinking-water may be used in the home are considered, and specific concerns in higher-risk settings and populations at increased risk are addressed. … (WHO, 2003)

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READ: WHO reports on drinking water safety (part 1)

READ: WHO reports on drinking water safety (part 1)

(4 RC) - This report deals with safe water supply extending from source to consumer, including plumbed-in devices, domestic and building environments, and water supplied in bottles or packages. The different ways in which drinking-water may be used in the home are considered, and specific concerns in higher-risk settings and populations at increased risk are addressed. … (WHO, 2003)

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READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione

READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione

(2 RC) - This chapter discusses available sampling and analytical techniques for monitoring diacetyl and pentanedione vapor in the workplace; techniques for measuring diace-tyl and pentanedione in airborne dust and bulk materials; real-time techniques for measuring relevant airborne analytes and other flavoring compounds; and results of some occupational exposure assessments by NIOSH and others of facilities that use diacetyl andpentanedione… (NIOSH Standard, Oct 2016)

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