(3 RC) - This report summarizes results and conclusions of a study on problematic drywall conducted by CSPS. Methods of investigation were evaluated and tested in the course of a 510 home study.
(3 RC) - This report summarizes results and conclusions of a study on problematic drywall conducted by CSPS. Methods of investigation were evaluated and tested in the course of a 510 home study.
(3 RC) - This document summarizes the goals and findings of a task force charged with the assessment of the adverse environmental and health affects of mold remediation as well as the assessment the regulatory, precautionary actions taken by state and local governments. The document discusses health effects of mold and dampness exposure, actions taken by state and local governments, mold exposure limits, and methods to control and mitigate mold.
(2 RC) - This document summarizes the goals and findings of a task force charged with the assessment of the adverse environmental and health affects of mold remediation as well as the assessment the regulatory, precautionary actions taken by state and local governments. The document discusses health effects of mold and dampness exposure, actions taken by state and local governments, mold exposure limits, and methods to control and mitigate mold.
(4 RC) - This document summarizes the goals and findings of a task force charged with the assessment of the adverse environmental and health affects of mold remediation as well as the assessment the regulatory, precautionary actions taken by state and local governments. The document discusses health effects of mold and dampness exposure, actions taken by state and local governments, mold exposure limits, and methods to control and mitigate mold.
(4 RC) - This survey reports on the purchase and use of ozone-producing indoor air cleaners, the effects of which contribute to air-pollution which can cause many respiratory issues, particularly among the elderly. The information obtained is of immediate use for addressing the impact of air cleaners on Californians’ health and to guide future exposure and risk reduction approaches by the California Air Resources Board.
(4 RC) - This collection of three procedure methods informs the reader on a range of topics. The first method explores data from an evaluation of the performance of silica-infused, stainless steel canisters in chemical sampling and analysis. The second method describes the sample collection and analysis of airborne ozone. The third method describes the passive monitor collection of airborne formaldehyde in the breathing zone of workplace personnel and the subsequent analysis of those samples using a colorimetric technique.
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