(4 RC) - The US Oil Recovery (USOR) Superfund site is an abandoned used oil processor and wastewater treatment facility located in Pasadena, Harris County, Texas. The site consists of two separate properties, known as USOR and MCC Recycling (MCC). USOR began operations in 2002 and MCC began operating in 2008. Both were abandoned between January and July 2010… (ATSDR, May 2020)
(4 RC) - The military facilities were abandoned until the 1980s when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) began conducting environmental investigations and cleanup of the FUDS. This health consultation focuses on contaminants in the areas of concern at the Gambell … (ATSDR, Sept 2020)
(1 RC) - This guide from the EPA for building owners and facility managers details principles, standards, methods and protocols for the proper investigation and remediation of air quality issues, including mold.
(1 RC) - This guide from the EPA for building owners and facility managers details principles, standards, methods and protocols for the proper investigation and remediation of air quality issues, including mold.
(1 RC) - This guide from the EPA for building owners and facility managers details principles, standards, methods and protocols for the proper investigation and remediation of air quality issues, including mold.
(1 RC) - In this audio, the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) reviewed industry evidence in response to the questions: What are the occupant health and indoor environmental outcomes resulting from energy efficiency or home performance upgrades, and how do indoor environmental conditions affect health?
(1 RC) - In this audio, the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) reviewed industry evidence in response to the questions: What are the occupant health and indoor environmental outcomes resulting from energy efficiency or home performance upgrades, and how do indoor environmental conditions affect health?
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