READ: HUD - Rule for Smoke Free Public Housing

READ: HUD - Rule for Smoke Free Public Housing

(4 RC) - This rule requires public housing agencies to provide a smoke free environment for residents and employees. The rule explains and defines compliance, enforcement, economic and environmental impact, and estimated costs. The rule went into effect Februrary 3, 2016. Full compliance is required by all public housing agencies (PHAs) as of July 30, 2018.

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LISTEN: EPA - Summary of Residential Air Cleaners (Part 6)

LISTEN: EPA - Summary of Residential Air Cleaners (Part 6)

(1 RC) - This audio provides general information about the types of pollutants affected by air cleaners, and discusses the types of air-cleaning devices and technologies available, metrics that can be used to compare air-cleaning devices, the effectiveness of air-cleaning devices in removing indoor air pollutants, and information from intervention studies on the effects that air cleaners can have on health and on health markers.

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