READ: Emergency Management Accomplishments Report

READ: Emergency Management Accomplishments Report

(2 RC) - This report details major response and removal actions from October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022, and outlines regulatory actions to protect community health through chemical accident and oil spill prevention and preparedness. It features science-based solutions that EPA utilizes during all phases of crisis and consequence management… (EPA, Sept 2022)

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READ: SafeWork Australia Explains Emergency Plans

READ: SafeWork Australia Explains Emergency Plans

(4 RC) - An emergency plan may also be aimed at limiting or managing the effects of consequences on property or the environment. Further, emergencies may occur that are not associated with hazardous chemicals, such as those arising from natural events (e.g. flood or fire). It is advisable that a facility not have multiple plans. A single plan facilitates rapid response and avoids confusion about which plan should be executed in the event of a particular type of emergency.… (Safe Work Australia Mar 2012)

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READ: Healthcare Facilities and Power Outages

READ: Healthcare Facilities and Power Outages

(3 RC) - Across the Nation, in every community, there are individuals in hospitals, nursing homes, and other long-term care facilities dependent on power for their well-being. A wide range of facilities provide care in the United States. A portion of these facilities fall within the seventeen provider and supplier types regulated by states and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, including emergency preparedness regulations. A portion (e.g., assisted living facilities, board and care homes, individuals living at home) are not regulated by CMS but still may have electrically-dependent residents..… (EPA, Aug 2019)

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READ: IEQ impacts of World Trade Center attacks

READ: IEQ impacts of World Trade Center attacks

(1 RC) - The draft proposed sampling plan provides an overview of how buildings (residential, office, and public) south of Houston Street, in Manhattan, would be sampled to determine if any remaining WTC-related contamination is present. As proposed, only dust samples would be taken from buildings made available by the owners or managers. Samples would be taken from locations where exposures are likely to occur, such as in elevated horizontal surfaces.… (ATSDR, Mar 2005)

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READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part Three

READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part Three

(4 RC) - These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. Researchers conclude that those who are new on the job have a higher rate of injuries and illnesses than more experienced workers.… (OSHA, Sep. 2015)

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READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part Two

READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part Two

(4 RC) - These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. Researchers conclude that those who are new on the job have a higher rate of injuries and illnesses than more experienced workers.… (OSHA, Sep. 2015)

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READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part One

READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part One

(4 RC) - These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. Researchers conclude that those who are new on the job have a higher rate of injuries and illnesses than more experienced workers.… (OSHA, Sep. 2015)

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READ: FEMA - Pandemic Planning Considerations Guide

READ: FEMA - Pandemic Planning Considerations Guide

(4 RC) - When a pandemic occurs concurrent to a natural, technological or human-caused disaster, and the mass care and emergency assistance needs are beyond the capacity of the state, territory or tribe, whole community partners work together to collectively address the needs of the affected population. … (FEMA, June 2020)

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READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Four

READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Four

(4 RC) - A guidebook intended for use by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Based on information provided, this will set in motion a series of events. Actions may range from dispatching additional trained personnel to the scene, to activating the local emergency response plan… (US DOT, Jan. 2020)

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READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Three

READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Three

(4 RC) - A guidebook intended for use by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Based on information provided, this will set in motion a series of events. Actions may range from dispatching additional trained personnel to the scene, to activating the local emergency response plan… (US DOT, Jan. 2020)

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READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Two

READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Two

(4 RC) - A guidebook intended for use by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Based on information provided, this will set in motion a series of events. Actions may range from dispatching additional trained personnel to the scene, to activating the local emergency response plan… (US DOT, Jan. 2020)

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READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part One

READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part One

(4 RC) - A guidebook intended for use by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Based on information provided, this will set in motion a series of events. Actions may range from dispatching additional trained personnel to the scene, to activating the local emergency response plan… (US DOT, Jan. 2020)

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READ: OSHA: Fire Service Features of Buildings Part Two

READ: OSHA: Fire Service Features of Buildings Part Two

(4 RC) - The purpose of this manual is to increase the safety of emergency responders and building occupants by providing information about how firefighters typically interact with building features and fire protection systems during fires and similar emergencies. By better understanding the needs of the fire service… (OSHA, 2015)

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