READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione - Exposure Monitoring

READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione - Exposure Monitoring

(.50 RC) - Employers should develop and implement comprehensive occupational safety and health programs to prevent occupational injuries, illnesses, and deaths. To be successful, safety and health programs should be developed and implemented as part of an employers management system, with strong management commitment, employee involvement, and occupational safety and health expertise. A safety and health program designed to protect employees from the adverse effects of exposure to diacetyl, 2,3-pentanedione, and other flavoring compounds… (NIOSH Standard, Oct 2016)

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READ: NIOSH HHE Autobody Repair Shop

READ: NIOSH HHE Autobody Repair Shop

(2 RC) - NIOSH received a request for help in assessing worker exposure to isocyanates during spray painting of automobiles. An autobody repair shop whose other concerns for worker exposure included solvents, total dusts, noise, carbon monoxide, and metals. An initial survey was conducted in September 1995 and an interim report was issued in January 1996. To assess effects of seasonal variation… (NIOSH, June 1995)

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READ: WHO: HPC and Drinking-water Safety Part Three

READ: WHO: HPC and Drinking-water Safety Part Three

(4 RC) - This report deals with safe water supply extending from source to consumer, including plumbed-in devices, domestic and building environments, and water supplied in bottles or packages. The different ways in which drinking-water may be used in the home are considered, and specific concerns in higher-risk settings and populations at increased risk are addressed. … (WHO, 2003)

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READ: National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries

READ: National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries

(.50 RC) - The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, part of the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Safety and Health Statistics (OSHS) program, is a count of all fatalities resulting from workplace injuries occurring in the U.S. during the calendar year. The CFOI uses a variety of state, federal, and independent data sources to identify, verify, and describe fatal work injuries. This ensures counts are as complete and accurate as possible. For the 2021 data, over 23,900 unique source documents were reviewed as part of the data collection process… (USDOL, Dec 2022)

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READ: Restoring Energy Efficiency Through HVAC Air Distribution System Cleaning

READ: Restoring Energy Efficiency Through HVAC Air Distribution System Cleaning

(2 RC) - This paper covers the specific topics of: A. How cleaning reduces HVAC energy consumption. B. How energy consumption can be calculated with pre‐cleaning and post‐cleaning measurements. C. Mechanical and other issues within HVAC systems that contractors encounter while inspecting and/or cleaning that can be reported and corrected to maximize HVAC energy efficiency… (NADCA, Nov 2016)

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READ: Interior Insulation Applications in HVAC Systems

READ: Interior Insulation Applications in HVAC Systems

(1 RC) - One of the critical aspects of HVAC systems is the insulation used inside metal ductwork, air handlers, mixing boxes, and other components of HVAC systems. Insulation materials need to be understood and handled properly to ensure optimum system performance and compliance with regulations. This paper covers the specific topic of internally insulated sheet metal ductwork and HVAC system components. Related topics, such as flex duct and duct-board, may be discussed in future papers… (NADCA, Nov 2016)

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READ: Database of State Indoor Air Quality Laws

READ: Database of State Indoor Air Quality Laws

(4 RC) - This database includes laws that address a wide range of pollutants, practices and building types. The purpose of the database is not to indicate how many IAQ laws exist, but rather to provide examples of various types of policy strategies that states have employed. The following are general guidelines used to develop the database… (ELI, 2022)

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READ: WHO reports on drinking water safety (Part 2)

READ: WHO reports on drinking water safety (Part 2)

(4 RC) - This report deals with safe water supply extending from source to consumer, including plumbed-in devices, domestic and building environments, and water supplied in bottles or packages. The different ways in which drinking-water may be used in the home are considered, and specific concerns in higher-risk settings and populations at increased risk are addressed. … (WHO, 2003)

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READ: WHO reports on drinking water safety (part 1)

READ: WHO reports on drinking water safety (part 1)

(4 RC) - This report deals with safe water supply extending from source to consumer, including plumbed-in devices, domestic and building environments, and water supplied in bottles or packages. The different ways in which drinking-water may be used in the home are considered, and specific concerns in higher-risk settings and populations at increased risk are addressed. … (WHO, 2003)

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READ: EPA updates its Indoor airPlus program

READ: EPA updates its Indoor airPlus program

(4 RC) - EPA regularly receives partner questions and comments regarding various aspects of the Indoor airPLUS program requirements. This Policy Record format will be used to provide regular updates on the resolution of future issues, including changes to program requirements and clarifications or refinements to the specifications. The primary purpose of this document is to allow stakeholders equal access to the latest policy issues and resolutions. This document also serves as an official program update… (EPA, Dec 2021)

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READ: EPA Indoor airPlus requirements for low-emission products

READ: EPA Indoor airPlus requirements for low-emission products

(.50 RC) - The Low-Emission Materials requirements address composite wood products, interior paints and finishes, and carpets and carpet adhesives used in the construction of Indoor airPLUS qualified homes. Products meeting the referenced standards are generally widely available in the market. This document is intended to help builders, designers, and Raters identify and locate compliant products… (EPA, Oct 2015)

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READ: EPA issues IAQ construction specifications

READ: EPA issues IAQ construction specifications

(1 RC) - These specifications were developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to recognize new homes equipped with a comprehensive set of Indoor Air Quality features. They were developed with significant input from stakeholders, based on best available science and information about risks associated with IAQ problems, and balanced with practical issues of cost, builder production process compatibility, and verifiability… (EPA, Feb 2008)

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READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione

READ: NIOSH Standard: Occupational Exposure to Diacetyl and Pentanedione

(2 RC) - This chapter discusses available sampling and analytical techniques for monitoring diacetyl and pentanedione vapor in the workplace; techniques for measuring diace-tyl and pentanedione in airborne dust and bulk materials; real-time techniques for measuring relevant airborne analytes and other flavoring compounds; and results of some occupational exposure assessments by NIOSH and others of facilities that use diacetyl andpentanedione… (NIOSH Standard, Oct 2016)

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READ: NIOSH Issues Guidance for Protecting Temporary Workers

READ: NIOSH Issues Guidance for Protecting Temporary Workers

(2 RC) - The future of work brings new challenges to occupational safety and health, including how to best protect and promote the safety and health of a workforce employed through a variety of non-standard work arrangements. Temporary agency workers are those who are paid by a staffing company and assigned to work for a host employer, including both short- and long-term assignments… (NIOSH, July 2022)

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READ: NIOSH Analyses FTIR Instrument for Respirable Crystalline Silica (II)

READ: NIOSH Analyses FTIR Instrument  for Respirable Crystalline Silica (II)

(4 RC) - This document details how to implement field-based monitoring for RCS. It is primarily intended for industrial hygienists and other workers with health and safety responsibilities, specifically within the mining industry (although workers in other industries may also find it useful). The document has been written for a user with experience in respirable dust or RCS exposure assessment but who does not necessarily have specialized training in analytical techniques… (NIOSH, Jan 2022)

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READ: NIOSH specifies best practices for dust control in coal mining (part 3)

READ: NIOSH specifies best practices for dust control in coal mining (part 3)

(4 RC) - Respirable dust can be inhaled into the gas exchange region of the lungs and has long been known to be a serious health threat to workers in many industries. In coal mining, overexposure to respirable coal mine dust can lead to coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP), commonly known as black lung. CWP is a lung disease that can be disabling and fatal in its most severe form, progressive massive fibrosis. In addition, miners can be exposed to high levels of respirable silica dust… (NIOSH, Aug 2021)

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READ: NIOSH specifies best practices for dust control in coal mining (Part 2)

READ: NIOSH specifies best practices for dust control in coal mining (Part 2)

(4 RC) - Respirable dust can be inhaled into the gas exchange region of the lungs and has long been known to be a serious health threat to workers in many industries. In coal mining, overexposure to respirable coal mine dust can lead to coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP), commonly known as black lung. CWP is a lung disease that can be disabling and fatal in its most severe form, progressive massive fibrosis. In addition, miners can be exposed to high levels of respirable silica dust… (NIOSH, Aug 2021)

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READ: NIOSH specifies best practices for dust control in coal mining (Part 1)

READ: NIOSH specifies best practices for dust control in coal mining (Part 1)

(4 RC) - Respirable dust can be inhaled into the gas exchange region of the lungs and has long been known to be a serious health threat to workers in many industries. In coal mining, overexposure to respirable coal mine dust can lead to coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP), commonly known as black lung. CWP is a lung disease that can be disabling and fatal in its most severe form, progressive massive fibrosis. In addition, miners can be exposed to high levels of respirable silica dust… (NIOSH, Aug 2021)

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READ: NIOSH Analyses FTIR Instrument for Respirable Crystalline Silica (I)

READ: NIOSH Analyses FTIR Instrument for Respirable Crystalline Silica (I)

(4 RC) - This document details how to implement field-based monitoring for RCS. It is primarily intended for industrial hygienists and other workers with health and safety responsibilities, specifically within the mining industry (although workers in other industries may also find it useful). The document has been written for a user with experience in respirable dust or RCS exposure assessment but who does not necessarily have specialized training in analytical techniques… (NIOSH, Jan 2022)

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