(4 RC) - Respirable dust can be inhaled into the gas exchange region of the lungs and has long been known to be a serious health threat to workers in many industries. In coal mining, overexposure to respirable coal mine dust can lead to coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP), commonly known as black lung. CWP is a lung disease that can be disabling and fatal in its most severe form, progressive massive fibrosis. In addition, miners can be exposed to high levels of respirable silica dust… (NIOSH, Aug 2021)
(4 RC) - Respirable dust can be inhaled into the gas exchange region of the lungs and has long been known to be a serious health threat to workers in many industries. In coal mining, overexposure to respirable coal mine dust can lead to coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP), commonly known as black lung. CWP is a lung disease that can be disabling and fatal in its most severe form, progressive massive fibrosis. In addition, miners can be exposed to high levels of respirable silica dust… (NIOSH, Aug 2021)
(4 RC) - Respirable dust can be inhaled into the gas exchange region of the lungs and has long been known to be a serious health threat to workers in many industries. In coal mining, overexposure to respirable coal mine dust can lead to coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP), commonly known as black lung. CWP is a lung disease that can be disabling and fatal in its most severe form, progressive massive fibrosis. In addition, miners can be exposed to high levels of respirable silica dust… (NIOSH, Aug 2021)
(3 RC) - The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from employees at a police department in Ohio. The request concerned lead exposures in and around the firing range, a history of water intrusion and mold growth on the ceiling tiles in the juvenile office, and lack of ventilation in the property room where illicit drugs were stored. We made two site visits to the police department to evaluate exposures, work conditions, and employee health concerns… (NIOSH HEE, July 2013)
(1 RC) - Every year in the United States, thousands of toxic substance incidents harm workers, first responders, and the public with the potential for catastrophic consequences. Surveillance data enable public health and safety professionals to understand the patterns and causes of these incidents, which can improve prevention efforts and preparation for future incidents… (CDC, Mar 2020)
(4 RC) - Environmental factors play a large role in children’s health. According to the World Health Organization, more than 30% of the global burden of disease in children is due to environmental factors. Children’s growth and development are dynamic processes; they can be viewed at the molecular, cellular, organ, and whole-child levels. What determines the nature and severity of environmental factors’ health effects is exposure occurrence within the different developmental stages… (ATSDR, Feb 2012)
(2 RC) - The Canon City area has been the historical site of a number of milling and smelting facilities. Based on environmental contamination from those operations, questions and concerns have been voiced by residents of the Lincoln Park neighborhood. Among the various issues are specific concerns that lead contaminated dust from current and historical operations may have migrated into the residential neighborhood… (ATSDR, Nov 2006)
(2 RC) - The Canon City area has been the historical site of a number of milling and smelting facilities. Based on environmental contamination from those operations, questions and concerns have been voiced by residents of the Lincoln Park neighborhood. Among the various issues are specific concerns that lead contaminated dust from current and historical operations may have migrated into the residential neighborhood… (ATSDR, Nov 2006)
(4 RC) - These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. Researchers conclude that those who are new on the job have a higher rate of injuries and illnesses than more experienced workers.… (OSHA, Sep. 2015)
(4 RC) - These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. Researchers conclude that those who are new on the job have a higher rate of injuries and illnesses than more experienced workers.… (OSHA, Sep. 2015)
(4 RC) - These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. Researchers conclude that those who are new on the job have a higher rate of injuries and illnesses than more experienced workers.… (OSHA, Sep. 2015)
(0.50 RCs) - This video provides a brief overview and general information on respiratory hazards in General Industry and respiratory protection program requirements. OSHA uses the term General Industry to refer to all Industries not included in agriculture, construction, or Maritime. Federal occupational safety and health administration (also called OSHA) and state OSHA agencies require employers … (OSHA, 2012)
(4 RC) - This background paper addresses the assessment of all types of hazards that may exist in homes, including biological, chemical, physical, structural, and behavioral. It introduces the reader to methods to assess for health and safety hazards, and discusses widely available visual assessment…(HUD, 2012)
(3 RC) - This Health Hazard Evaluation from the CDC evaluates the the indoor environmental quality of office buildings as it pertains to hazardous metals and poor indoor air as a result of their presence.
(2 RC) - This report looks at three environmental hazards that pose serious threats to human health in general and disproportionately harm residents of low-income housing: lead poisoning, mold contamination, and pest infestation.
(2 RC) - This report looks at three environmental hazards that pose serious threats to human health in general and disproportionately harm residents of low-income housing: lead poisoning, mold contamination, and pest infestation.
(2 RC) - This document contains basic information and procedures for Community Childhood Blood Lead studies. It is specifically intended to be a field guide for studies seeking to assess child blood lead prevalence and environmental exposures to lead.
(3 RC) - This document contains basic information and procedures for Community Childhood Blood Lead studies. It is specifically intended to be a field guide for studies seeking to assess child blood lead prevalence and environmental exposures to lead.
(2 RC) - This CDC training module provides information about environmental lead sources and offers guidance for conducting blood lead prevalence studies.
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