READ: Sampling and Characterization of Bioaerosols

READ: Sampling and Characterization of Bioaerosols

(4 RC) - Bioaerosols are airborne particles that originate from biological sources including animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, and viruses. Examples of bioaerosols encountered in occupational environments include plant pollen, algae, fungal spores, bacteria such as actinomycetes, droplets produced during coughing and sneezing that may contain bacteria and viruses, dust containing insect excreta, animal dander, and fragments derived from each of these sources. … (NIOSH, Feb 2020)

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READ: Factors Affecting Aerosol Sampling

READ: Factors Affecting Aerosol Sampling

(3 RC) - The need for aerosol sampling is driven by research or regulatory needs to understand or quantify the properties of airborne particles in the workplace or ambient environments. The property of most common interest is the airborne concentration of particulate mass defined as the aerosol mass per unit volume of air … (NIOSH, Feb 2020)

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READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part Three

READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part Three

(4 RC) - These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. Researchers conclude that those who are new on the job have a higher rate of injuries and illnesses than more experienced workers.… (OSHA, Sep. 2015)

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READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part Two

READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part Two

(4 RC) - These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. Researchers conclude that those who are new on the job have a higher rate of injuries and illnesses than more experienced workers.… (OSHA, Sep. 2015)

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READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part One

READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part One

(4 RC) - These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. Researchers conclude that those who are new on the job have a higher rate of injuries and illnesses than more experienced workers.… (OSHA, Sep. 2015)

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READ: FEMA - Pandemic Planning Considerations Guide

READ: FEMA - Pandemic Planning Considerations Guide

(4 RC) - When a pandemic occurs concurrent to a natural, technological or human-caused disaster, and the mass care and emergency assistance needs are beyond the capacity of the state, territory or tribe, whole community partners work together to collectively address the needs of the affected population. … (FEMA, June 2020)

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READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Four

READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Four

(4 RC) - A guidebook intended for use by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Based on information provided, this will set in motion a series of events. Actions may range from dispatching additional trained personnel to the scene, to activating the local emergency response plan… (US DOT, Jan. 2020)

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READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Three

READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Three

(4 RC) - A guidebook intended for use by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Based on information provided, this will set in motion a series of events. Actions may range from dispatching additional trained personnel to the scene, to activating the local emergency response plan… (US DOT, Jan. 2020)

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READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Two

READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Two

(4 RC) - A guidebook intended for use by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Based on information provided, this will set in motion a series of events. Actions may range from dispatching additional trained personnel to the scene, to activating the local emergency response plan… (US DOT, Jan. 2020)

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READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part One

READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part One

(4 RC) - A guidebook intended for use by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Based on information provided, this will set in motion a series of events. Actions may range from dispatching additional trained personnel to the scene, to activating the local emergency response plan… (US DOT, Jan. 2020)

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WATCH: CDC - Legionellosis Outbreak Investigations Part 2 - Conducting Environmental Assessments

WATCH: CDC - Legionellosis Outbreak Investigations Part 2 - Conducting Environmental Assessments

(0.5 RC) - This video discusses additional environmental aspects of legionellosis outbreak investigations, including tips on conducting an environmental assessment and how to interpret the results of key questions on CDC’s Legionella Environmental Assessment Form (

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WATCH: CDC - Legionellosis Outbreak Investigations Part 1 - Legionella Ecology

WATCH: CDC - Legionellosis Outbreak Investigations Part 1 - Legionella Ecology

(0.5 RC) - This video discusses environmental aspects of legionellosis outbreak investigations. Learn why and where Legionella amplifies as well as the basics of how cooling towers, premise plumbing, and whirlpool spas work. Content includes a general introduction to environmental health and engineering related to Legionellosis.

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WATCH: EPA - Data Requirements for Antimicrobial Pesticides - Environmental Fate & Transport

WATCH: EPA - Data Requirements for Antimicrobial Pesticides - Environmental Fate & Transport

(1.0 RC) - This video continues training on 40 CFR part 158W including a broad overview of environmental fate and transport processes such as chemical degradation, microbial degradation, intermedia transport, and wastewater treatment plant fate. The presentation also discusses environmental fate data requirements..

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WATCH: EPA - Data Requirements for Antimicrobial Pesticides - Toxicology

WATCH: EPA - Data Requirements for Antimicrobial Pesticides - Toxicology

(1.0 RC) - This training video discusses mammalian toxicology data requirements for antimicrobial pesticides under 158W including how to determine the data requirements, examples for direct food, indirect food, and non-food uses, test notes and alternative approaches to fulfilling these data requirements.

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WATCH: EPA - Data Requirements for Antimicrobial Pesticides - Overview

WATCH: EPA - Data Requirements for Antimicrobial Pesticides - Overview

(1.0 RC) - This video provides an introduction to the EPA training series on 40 CFR Part 158W: Data Requirements for Antimicrobial Pesticides final rule. Topics include general background information, scientific disciplines addressed in 158W, 12 major use patterns for antimicrobials, 158W implementation, and implications for ecology and human health.

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READ: Proposed Guidance for COVID-19 Pneumonia Respiratory Follow-up

READ: Proposed Guidance for COVID-19 Pneumonia Respiratory Follow-up

(1/2 RC) - This guidance is intended to be pragmatic but sufficiently detailed to allow timely identification of patients experiencing persistent or evolving respiratory complications of COVID-19. Where possible this guidance suggests virtual solutions at relevant points along the patient pathway with the goal of mitigating … (British Thoracic Society, May 2020)

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READ: NHS (UK) Clinical Guidance for post-COVID syndrome

READ: NHS (UK) Clinical Guidance for post-COVID syndrome

(2 RC) - The purpose of this document is to provide commissioning guidance on the development of a specification to assist local healthcare systems to establish post-COVID assessment clinics for patients experiencing long-term health effects following COVID-19 infection. Clinics will offer physical, cognitive and psychological assessments with the aim of providing consistent … (NHS, Nov. 2020)

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READ: NHS (UK) Clinical Management for suspected COVID-19 infection

READ: NHS (UK) Clinical Management for suspected COVID-19 infection

(1 RC) - This guidance is for clinicians caring for adults and children admitted to hospital with suspected COVID-19 infection. It does not replace clinical judgement or specialist consultation. COVID-19 infection may present with mild, moderate or severe illness; the latter includes severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sepsis and septic shock. Early recognition of suspected patients… (NHS, Jan. 2020)

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