READ: OSHA: Fire Service Features of Buildings Part One
/(4 RC) - The purpose of this manual is to increase the safety of emergency responders and building occupants by providing information about how firefighters typically interact with building features and fire protection systems during fires and similar emergencies. By better understanding the needs of the fire service…(OSHA, 2015)
Read MoreREAD: OSHA: Fire Service Features of Buildings Part Two
/(4 RC) - The purpose of this manual is to increase the safety of emergency responders and building occupants by providing information about how firefighters typically interact with building features and fire protection systems during fires and similar emergencies. By better understanding the needs of the fire service… (OSHA, 2015)
Read MoreWATCH: OSHA - Respiratory Protection in General Industry
/(0.50 RCs) - This video provides a brief overview and general information on respiratory hazards in General Industry and respiratory protection program requirements. OSHA uses the term General Industry to refer to all Industries not included in agriculture, construction, or Maritime. Federal occupational safety and health administration (also called OSHA) and state OSHA agencies require employers … (OSHA, 2012)
Read MoreWATCH: NIOSH Research Project in Respirator Fit Testing
/(0.25 RCs) - NIOSH researchers explain a project to compare respirator fit tests in an effort to identify a procedure that will allow workers in the field to confirm effective respirator fit on the go. (NIOSH, 2020)
Read MoreWATCH: NIOSH Revised Lifting Equation - Explanation and Discussion
/(0.5 RCs) - This video explains the revised lifting equation developed by NIOSH and used since 1994. Factors affecting safe lifting that are incorporated into the equation and discussed in the video include load weight, horizontal location, vertical location, vertical travel distance, asymmetry angle, lifting frequency, lifting duration, and coupling classification. (NIOSH, 2019)
Read MoreLISTEN: EPA - Building Air Quality Audio Part 3
/(1 RC) - This guide from the EPA for building owners and facility managers details principles, standards, methods and protocols for the proper investigation and remediation of air quality issues, including mold.
Read MoreREAD: CDC - Weekly Report 69:44 (COVID-19)
/(4 RC) - These findings suggest that transmission of SARS-CoV-2 within households is high, occurs quickly, and can originate from both children and adults. Prompt adoption of disease control measures, including self-isolating at home, appropriate self-quarantine of household contacts, and all household members wearing a mask in shared spaces, can reduce the probability of household transmission … (CDC, Nov. 2020)
Read MoreREAD: - Stachybotrys mycotoxin production on various building materials
/(1 RC) - Mold growth in the indoor environment can generally cause allergic, infectious, or toxic symptoms in humans. It is conceivable, that spores or mycelium might potentially serve as fungal fragments for indoor air contamination in the course of the aerosolization process and that inhalation exposure along this route can lead to adverse health effects… (Indoor Air, 2020)
Read MoreREAD: OSHA - Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19
/(3 RC) - Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It has spread from China to many other countries around the world, including the United States. Depending on the severity of COVID-19’s international impacts, outbreak conditions—including those rising to the level of a pandemic—can affect...(OSHA, 2020)
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