READ: CDC Researches Valley Fever

READ: CDC Researches Valley Fever

(1 RC) - Coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) is an infection caused by the environmental fungus Coccidioides spp. Approximately 40% of infected persons develop symptoms including fatigue, cough, fever, shortness of breath, and headache, typically after a 1- to 3-week incubation period (1). The infection is often clinically indistinguishable from community-acquired pneumonia caused by other pathogens… (CDC, Sept 2019)

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READ: CDC MMWR - Asthma Surveillance

READ: CDC MMWR - Asthma Surveillance

(3 RC) - Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways that requires ongoing medical management. Socioeconomic and demographic factors as well as health care use might influence health patterns in urban and rural areas. Persons living in rural areas tend to have less access to health care and health resources and worse health outcomes. Characterizing asthma indicators (i.e., prevalence of current asthma, asthma attacks, emergency department and urgent care center [ED/UCC] visits, and asthma-associated deaths) and determining how asthma exacerbations and health care… (CDC, Sep 2021)

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READ: Mold Basics for Primary Care Clinicians

READ: Mold Basics for Primary Care Clinicians

(1 RC) - People are constantly exposed to mold in both indoor and outdoor environments and pinpointing one source of exposure can be difficult to impossible. In fact, exposure may come from multiple sources. The general public and some health care providers who are less familiar with the subject have attributed a burden of disease to mold that is disproportionate with symptoms. This document will attempt to give the practicing clinician a synopsis of the state of the art thinking about indoor mold, damp spaces, and health effects… (CDPH, Dec 2009)

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READ: Cleaner Indoor Air During Wildfires

READ: Cleaner Indoor Air During Wildfires

(3 RC) - What can communities do to reduce their exposure to wildfire smoke indoors? What interventions are effective for reducing wildland fire smoke exposures and risks? What science is available to support recommendations for communities to develop cleaner air spaces in larger buildings (e.g., schools, community centers)…(EPA, April 2021)

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READ: CDC - Bacterial Agents Part Three

READ: CDC - Bacterial Agents Part Three

(4 RC) - The uncertainty and change regarding the identification of emerging bacterial agents and the requirements for containment and safe storage of pathogens continues to accelerate. New infectious agents and diseases have emerged. Work with infectious agents in public and private research, public health, clinical and diagnostic laboratories, and in animal care facilities has expanded… (Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, Jun 2020)

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READ: CDC - Bacterial Agents Part Two

READ: CDC - Bacterial Agents Part Two

(4 RC) - The uncertainty and change regarding the identification of emerging bacterial agents and the requirements for containment and safe storage of pathogens continues to accelerate. New infectious agents and diseases have emerged. Work with infectious agents in public and private research, public health, clinical and diagnostic laboratories, and in animal care facilities has expanded… (Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, Jun 2020)

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READ: CDC - Bacterial Agents Part One

READ: CDC - Bacterial Agents Part One

(4 RC) - The uncertainty and change regarding the identification of emerging bacterial agents and the requirements for containment and safe storage of pathogens continues to accelerate. New infectious agents and diseases have emerged. Work with infectious agents in public and private research, public health, clinical and diagnostic laboratories, and in animal care facilities has expanded… (Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, Jun 2020)

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READ: CDC - Principles of Biosafety

READ: CDC - Principles of Biosafety

(3 RC) - A fundamental objective of any biosafety program is the containment of potentially hazardous biological agents and toxins. The term containment describes a combination of primary and secondary barriers, facility practices and procedures, and other safety equipment, including personal protective equipment (PPE), for managing the risks associated with handling and storing hazardous biological agents and toxins in a laboratory environment… (Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, Jun 2020)

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READ: EPA - Tools for Schools - Asthma

READ: EPA - Tools for Schools - Asthma

(1 RC) - Asthma has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, affecting millions of people of all ages and races. An average of one out of every 10 school-age children now has asthma, and the percentage of children with asthma is rising more rapidly in preschool-age children than in any other age group. Asthma is a leading cause of school absenteeism due to a chronic condition, accounting for nearly 13 million missed school days per year… (EPA, Aug 2010)

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READ: Healthcare Facilities and Power Outages

READ: Healthcare Facilities and Power Outages

(3 RC) - Across the Nation, in every community, there are individuals in hospitals, nursing homes, and other long-term care facilities dependent on power for their well-being. A wide range of facilities provide care in the United States. A portion of these facilities fall within the seventeen provider and supplier types regulated by states and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, including emergency preparedness regulations. A portion (e.g., assisted living facilities, board and care homes, individuals living at home) are not regulated by CMS but still may have electrically-dependent residents..… (EPA, Aug 2019)

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READ: EPA - Indoor Environmental Quality and Climate Change

READ: EPA - Indoor Environmental Quality and Climate Change

(3 RC) - Observations show that warming of the climate is unequivocal. The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases. These emissions come mainly from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas), with important contributions from the clearing of forests, agricultural practices, and other activities… (EPA)

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READ: EPA - Building Codes and IAQ

READ: EPA - Building Codes and IAQ

(3 RC) - Conservation-minded building codes have the potential to reduce naturally occurring air exchange for buildings by tightening the envelope and reducing pressurization of unconditioned spaces (e.g. duct sealing). Indoor moisture, altered airflows, lowered air exchange all have the potential for increasing occupant risk of exposures to indoor generated contaminants..… (EPA, Sep 2009)

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READ: Asthma Management Guidelines Part Four

READ: Asthma Management Guidelines Part Four

(4 RC) - Broad change in clinical practice depends on the uptake, adoption, and implementation of clinical practice recommendations by primary care providers with input from people who have asthma and their families, as well as support from health care systems. This update can serve as a basis to disseminate and facilitate adoption of the asthma recommendations at all levels and to ensure optimal care and equitable outcomes for all individuals with asthma.… (NHLBI, Dec 2020)

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READ: Asthma Management Guidelines Part Three

READ: Asthma Management Guidelines Part Three

(4 RC) - Broad change in clinical practice depends on the uptake, adoption, and implementation of clinical practice recommendations by primary care providers with input from people who have asthma and their families, as well as support from health care systems. This update can serve as a basis to disseminate and facilitate adoption of the asthma recommendations at all levels and to ensure optimal care and equitable outcomes for all individuals with asthma.… (NHLBI, Dec 2020)

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READ: Asthma Management Guidelines Part Two

READ: Asthma Management Guidelines Part Two

(4 RC) - Broad change in clinical practice depends on the uptake, adoption, and implementation of clinical practice recommendations by primary care providers with input from people who have asthma and their families, as well as support from health care systems. This update can serve as a basis to disseminate and facilitate adoption of the asthma recommendations at all levels and to ensure optimal care and equitable outcomes for all individuals with asthma.… (NHLBI, Dec 2020)

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READ: Asthma Management Guidelines Part One

READ: Asthma Management Guidelines Part One

(4 RC) - Broad change in clinical practice depends on the uptake, adoption, and implementation of clinical practice recommendations by primary care providers with input from people who have asthma and their families, as well as support from health care systems. This update can serve as a basis to disseminate and facilitate adoption of the asthma recommendations at all levels and to ensure optimal care and equitable outcomes for all individuals with asthma.… (NHLBI, Dec 2020)

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READ: Principles of Pediatric Environmental Health

READ: Principles of Pediatric Environmental Health

(4 RC) - Environmental factors play a large role in children’s health. According to the World Health Organization, more than 30% of the global burden of disease in children is due to environmental factors. Children’s growth and development are dynamic processes; they can be viewed at the molecular, cellular, organ, and whole-child levels. What determines the nature and severity of environmental factors’ health effects is exposure occurrence within the different developmental stages… (ATSDR, Feb 2012)

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READ: IEQ impacts of World Trade Center attacks

READ: IEQ impacts of World Trade Center attacks

(1 RC) - The draft proposed sampling plan provides an overview of how buildings (residential, office, and public) south of Houston Street, in Manhattan, would be sampled to determine if any remaining WTC-related contamination is present. As proposed, only dust samples would be taken from buildings made available by the owners or managers. Samples would be taken from locations where exposures are likely to occur, such as in elevated horizontal surfaces.… (ATSDR, Mar 2005)

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READ: Ventilation & Formaldehyde Sampling of FEMA Trailers

READ: Ventilation & Formaldehyde Sampling of FEMA Trailers

(3 RC) - This report addresses two questions. First, are air formaldehyde levels in closed, unventilated trailers high enough to be associated with health effects in humans? Second, can simple measures such as running air conditioning or opening windows lower the levels of formaldehyde? Accordingly, the data were generated by conducting air sampling for formaldehyde in new, unoccupied trailers under three specific conditions.… (ATSDR, Oct 2007)

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READ: ATSDR Health Consultation - Lead in Dust Report One

READ: ATSDR Health Consultation - Lead in Dust Report One

(2 RC) - The Canon City area has been the historical site of a number of milling and smelting facilities. Based on environmental contamination from those operations, questions and concerns have been voiced by residents of the Lincoln Park neighborhood. Among the various issues are specific concerns that lead contaminated dust from current and historical operations may have migrated into the residential neighborhood… (ATSDR, Nov 2006)

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