READ: Air Quality Health Assessment Davis County, UT

READ: Air Quality Health Assessment Davis County, UT

(1 RC) - The indoor air monitoring for homes surrounding Hill AFB began in 2003 and currently continues. Both homes residing directly over the plume as well as homes outside of the plume boundaries were sampled. During the routine sampling, indoor air samples were collected and analyzed for VOCs. One of the contaminants routinely detected in indoor air samples is 1,2-DCA; it has been detected in approximately 90 homes in Layton.… (ATSDR, May 2009)

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READ: IAQ Sampling Midwest School, Wyoming

READ: IAQ Sampling Midwest School, Wyoming

(1 RC) - On May 24, 2016, CO2 alarms outside the school went off, prompting an evacuation of students and staff. Air monitoring and investigation began two days later on May 26. ATSDR recommends that the building not be reoccupied until thorough investigation and sampling demonstrate no potential health hazards from building indoor air. … (ATSDR, Sept 2006)

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READ: Evaluation of Vapor Intrusion into Buildings - Colorado

READ: Evaluation of Vapor Intrusion into Buildings - Colorado

(2 RC) - Schlage Lock Company, located in Security, Colorado, discovered that the groundwater beneath their manufacturing facility was contaminated with the chemical tetrachloroethylene, which is also known as perchloroethylene (PCE). Schlage utilized the solvent as a metal cleaner and degreaser during the production of door locks and related hardware… (ATSDR, Nov 2006)

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READ: ATSDR Health Consultation Modesto, CA

READ: ATSDR Health Consultation Modesto, CA

(3 RC) - The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Department of Toxic Substances Control asked CDPH for help in responding to a community member in Modesto. The person had health concerns about potential exposures to volatile organic compound (VOC) releases from dry cleaning operations near their home. CDPH met with the person and responded to the concerns.… (ATSDR, Feb 2018)

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READ: Evaluation of Follow-up Indoor Air Samples - Barbershop

READ: Evaluation of Follow-up Indoor Air Samples - Barbershop

(2 RC) - The owners of Farmer’s Insurance expressed concerns about the potential for exposure to dry-cleaning chemicals in indoor air from subsurface and aboveground sources at Eastside Laundry. To address these concerns, DOH and TCHD conducted indoor air sampling at Eastside Laundry and two adjacent businesses (Farmer’s Insurance and Roy’s) in the winter of 2002. This sampling event revealed PCE levels in indoor air… (ATSDR, Sept 2007)

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READ: ATSDR Health Consultation Pasadena, TX

READ: ATSDR Health Consultation Pasadena, TX

(4 RC) - The US Oil Recovery (USOR) Superfund site is an abandoned used oil processor and wastewater treatment facility located in Pasadena, Harris County, Texas. The site consists of two separate properties, known as USOR and MCC Recycling (MCC). USOR began operations in 2002 and MCC began operating in 2008. Both were abandoned between January and July 2010… (ATSDR, May 2020)

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READ: ATSDR Evaluation of Environmental Exposure - Gambell, AK

READ: ATSDR Evaluation of Environmental Exposure - Gambell, AK

(4 RC) - The military facilities were abandoned until the 1980s when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) began conducting environmental investigations and cleanup of the FUDS. This health consultation focuses on contaminants in the areas of concern at the Gambell … (ATSDR, Sept 2020)

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READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part Three

READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part Three

(4 RC) - These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. Researchers conclude that those who are new on the job have a higher rate of injuries and illnesses than more experienced workers.… (OSHA, Sep. 2015)

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READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part Two

READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part Two

(4 RC) - These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. Researchers conclude that those who are new on the job have a higher rate of injuries and illnesses than more experienced workers.… (OSHA, Sep. 2015)

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READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part One

READ: OSHA Training Requirements Standards Part One

(4 RC) - These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. Researchers conclude that those who are new on the job have a higher rate of injuries and illnesses than more experienced workers.… (OSHA, Sep. 2015)

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READ: FEMA - Pandemic Planning Considerations Guide

READ: FEMA - Pandemic Planning Considerations Guide

(4 RC) - When a pandemic occurs concurrent to a natural, technological or human-caused disaster, and the mass care and emergency assistance needs are beyond the capacity of the state, territory or tribe, whole community partners work together to collectively address the needs of the affected population. … (FEMA, June 2020)

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READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Four

READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Four

(4 RC) - A guidebook intended for use by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Based on information provided, this will set in motion a series of events. Actions may range from dispatching additional trained personnel to the scene, to activating the local emergency response plan… (US DOT, Jan. 2020)

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READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Three

READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Three

(4 RC) - A guidebook intended for use by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Based on information provided, this will set in motion a series of events. Actions may range from dispatching additional trained personnel to the scene, to activating the local emergency response plan… (US DOT, Jan. 2020)

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READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Two

READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part Two

(4 RC) - A guidebook intended for use by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Based on information provided, this will set in motion a series of events. Actions may range from dispatching additional trained personnel to the scene, to activating the local emergency response plan… (US DOT, Jan. 2020)

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READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part One

READ: US DOT 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Part One

(4 RC) - A guidebook intended for use by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Based on information provided, this will set in motion a series of events. Actions may range from dispatching additional trained personnel to the scene, to activating the local emergency response plan… (US DOT, Jan. 2020)

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WATCH: CDC - Legionellosis Outbreak Investigations Part 2 - Conducting Environmental Assessments

WATCH: CDC - Legionellosis Outbreak Investigations Part 2 - Conducting Environmental Assessments

(0.5 RC) - This video discusses additional environmental aspects of legionellosis outbreak investigations, including tips on conducting an environmental assessment and how to interpret the results of key questions on CDC’s Legionella Environmental Assessment Form (

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WATCH: CDC - Legionellosis Outbreak Investigations Part 1 - Legionella Ecology

WATCH: CDC - Legionellosis Outbreak Investigations Part 1 - Legionella Ecology

(0.5 RC) - This video discusses environmental aspects of legionellosis outbreak investigations. Learn why and where Legionella amplifies as well as the basics of how cooling towers, premise plumbing, and whirlpool spas work. Content includes a general introduction to environmental health and engineering related to Legionellosis.

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WATCH: EPA - Data Requirements for Antimicrobial Pesticides - Environmental Fate & Transport

WATCH: EPA - Data Requirements for Antimicrobial Pesticides - Environmental Fate & Transport

(1.0 RC) - This video continues training on 40 CFR part 158W including a broad overview of environmental fate and transport processes such as chemical degradation, microbial degradation, intermedia transport, and wastewater treatment plant fate. The presentation also discusses environmental fate data requirements..

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